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Dr Suparna Bhattacharya, IVF/Infertility Specialist

Nova IVF Fertility, Kolkata

Dr Suparna Bhattacharya, IVF/Infertility Specialist

Doctor's Profile


  • Consultant - IVF/Inferlity Specialist

  • Gynaecologist &  Obstetrician

Qualifications & Experience

  • 19 years of experience



  • A sought-after Gynaecologist and IVF Specialist, she has been prominent in the field of Reproductive Medicine for more than 20 years. She also has a decade of hands-on experience in assisted Laparoscopic surgeries.

  • Her areas of focus includes all Infertility Evaluation/Treatments , Diseases in Pregnancy, Gynae Problems, Women’s Healthcare, Hysteroscopy, and High-Risk Pregnancy Care.


  • Organized a panel discussion on male infertility at ISAR, Bengal in 2020

  • Organized IUI workshop at Nova IVF Fertility -2019

  • Presented a paper at ESHRE (2016) –“Factors predicting improved success with use of G-CSF in thin endometrium.”

  • Presented a paper at the 22nd IFFS World Congress (2016) –Effect of elective freeze for all patients with normal P4 levels on the day of trigger in Indian scenario”

  • Organized workshops in Ultrasound at ISAR, Bengal (2016) and IUI workshop at ISAR (2018)

  • Has been Chairperson, faculty, panelist and speaker in various CME’S/Conferences/Webinars