Dr Suparna Bhattacharya, IVF/Infertility Specialist
Nova IVF Fertility, Kolkata

Doctor's Profile
Consultant - IVF/Inferlity Specialist
Gynaecologist & Obstetrician
Qualifications & Experience
19 years of experience
A sought-after Gynaecologist and IVF Specialist, she has been prominent in the field of Reproductive Medicine for more than 20 years. She also has a decade of hands-on experience in assisted Laparoscopic surgeries.
Her areas of focus includes all Infertility Evaluation/Treatments , Diseases in Pregnancy, Gynae Problems, Women’s Healthcare, Hysteroscopy, and High-Risk Pregnancy Care.
Organized a panel discussion on male infertility at ISAR, Bengal in 2020
Organized IUI workshop at Nova IVF Fertility -2019
Presented a paper at ESHRE (2016) –“Factors predicting improved success with use of G-CSF in thin endometrium.”
Presented a paper at the 22nd IFFS World Congress (2016) –Effect of elective freeze for all patients with normal P4 levels on the day of trigger in Indian scenario”
Organized workshops in Ultrasound at ISAR, Bengal (2016) and IUI workshop at ISAR (2018)
Has been Chairperson, faculty, panelist and speaker in various CME’S/Conferences/Webinars