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Dr. Rela Institute & Medical Centre, Chennai

Established in : 1970 | Beds: 300

Established in : 2018 | Beds: 450

  • Dr. Rela Institute & Medical Centre is a Multi-Specialty, Quaternary Care Hospital.

  • The hospital boasts the highest quality healthcare in India, as well as access to cutting-edge technology and experienced, caring medical professionals.

  • Dr. Rela Institute is designed to provide highly specialized care in all specialties with a focus on the care of the critically ill and multi-organ transplantation patients.

  • Established under the formidable leadership of Prof. Mohamed Rela, a world-renowned surgeon in the field of Liver Surgery and Transplantation, this hospital houses one of the World’s largest dedicated liver intensive care units.

  • In addition to the quality of the quaternary care in all specialties, the hospital is committed to providing day-to-day “primary and secondary care” to the local population on par with international standards – maybe even a notch higher 

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  • Equipped with the latest devices for diagnostics and treatment. Among them MRI, CT, PET-CT, Da Vinci robotic system, linear accelerators for tumor irradiation with up to 1 mm accuracy.36 acres of land, the hospital has state-of-the-art infrastructure facilities.

  • The hospital has one of the world’s largest dedicated liver intensive care units.

  • It will have one of the world’s largest dedicated liver intensive care units.

  • State-of-the-art Infrastructure/Facilities/Technology a. 450 Beds b. 130 Critical Care Beds c. 14 Operating Rooms… d. 40+ Specialities e. 300+ Doctors 3. Trained and experienced Medical/Scientific/Support Staff 4. 24x7 Assistance & Personal Care 5. 24x7 Emergency & Trauma Centre 6.



  • Distance: 6 KMs

  • Time: 18 Minutes

        Railway Station

  • Distance: 24 KMs

  • Time: 58 Minutes

  • 7, CLC Works Rd, Nagappa Nagar, Chromepet,

       Chennai 600044


World Class Quality

Hospitals in India are designed to meet national and international healthcare requirements and is committed to providing excellent patient care and quality medical care.

Multispeciality Expertise

We brings together an expert team of specialists who collaborate with caring nurses to provide accurate diagnosis and medical care to patients.

State-Of-The-Art Infrastructure

The hospitals have state-of-the-art technological infrastructure and medical facilities that make medical care healthier, better and more comprehensive.

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