Amrita Hospital, Faridabad

Established in : 1970 | Beds: 300

Amrita Group has 2 independent multi-specialty hospitals located at Kochi and Faridabad

Amrita Group has 2 independent multi-specialty hospitals located at Kochi and Faridabad

Amrita Group has 2 independent multi-specialty hospitals located at Kochi and Faridabad

Amrita Group has 2 independent multi-specialty hospitals located at Kochi and Faridabad
Established in : 2022 | Beds: 534
Team of 800 doctors and healthcare professionals is dedicated to providing a nurturing environment that caters to the patient’s physical, emotional, and spiritual needs.
With 2,600 beds and 81 specialties, Amrita Hospital offers the latest in cutting-edge medical treatments, ranging from radiation oncology to cardiac sciences, neurosciences, gastro sciences, and more.
At Amrita Hospital, healthcare is believed to be a fundamental right, not a privilege, and an unwavering commitment to providing accessible and equitable healthcare reflects in work.
So, if you are seeking the best health care, come and experience the difference that Amrita Hospital can make in your life.
24-hour in-hospital specialty services include an emergency