MIOT International, Chennai

Established in : 1970 | Beds: 300

It is the first hospital in India to have a 750 HD CT scan with dual-energy imaging. Started as a center for orthopedics, it has now become multi-specialty dealing with neurosurgery, cardiology, thoracic and more..

It is the first hospital in India to have a 750 HD CT scan with dual-energy imaging. Started as a center for orthopedics, it has now become multi-specialty dealing with neurosurgery, cardiology, thoracic and more..

It is the first hospital in India to have a 750 HD CT scan with dual-energy imaging. Started as a center for orthopedics, it has now become multi-specialty dealing with neurosurgery, cardiology, thoracic and more..

It is the first hospital in India to have a 750 HD CT scan with dual-energy imaging. Started as a center for orthopedics, it has now become multi-specialty dealing with neurosurgery, cardiology, thoracic and more..
Established in : 1999 | Beds: 1000
It is the first hospital in India to have a 750 HD CT scan with dual-energy imaging.
Started as a center for orthopedics, it has now become multi-specialty dealing with neurosurgery, cardiology, thoracic and cardiovascular care, nephrology, oncology, knee replacement, hip-replacement surgery, plastic surgery, pediatrics, obstetrics, craniofacial and cosmetic surgery, and more.
Spread across 14-acres, the hospital has bagged many awards, including Niryat Shree Gold Award in 2002 and 2009; FIEO Niryat Shree Bronze Trophy 2008; FIEO Southern Region Export Excellence Award 2012 – 2013, 2013 – 2014 and 2015 – 2016.
The hospital also won Best Multispecialty Hospital in Chennai, Best Hospital for Orthopedics, Best Hospital for Gastro and Gastro surgery and Best Hospital for Nephrology by Times of India.
Hospital offers patients with every convenience.
The campus has extensive planting of trees and rooms have views of greenery.
There are separate entrances for outpatients, emergency, attendants and inpatients.