Jaypee Hospital, Noida

Established in : 1970 | Beds: 300

Established in the year 2014, Jaypee Hospital is an NABH accredited multi specialty hospital.

Established in the year 2014, Jaypee Hospital is an NABH accredited multi specialty hospital.

Established in the year 2014, Jaypee Hospital is an NABH accredited multi specialty hospital.

Established in the year 2014, Jaypee Hospital is an NABH accredited multi specialty hospital.
Established in : 2014 | Number of beds : 525 | Noida, India
Established in the year 2014, Jaypee Hospital is an NABH accredited multi specialty hospital.
It is a part of premier “Jaypee Group of Companies”.
Offers 31 centers of excellence.
Apart from Institute of Neurosciences and Institute of the Heart, the hospital also specializes in Cancer Institue, bones and joints, Spine, Cosmetic Surgery and more.
Has 400 highly skilled doctors.
Posseses the best Cardiac and Neurosciences team.
Clinicians and Support staff are trained at the Jaypee campus to deliver the best services.