IVF Treatment in Nova IVF Fertility hospital, New Delhi

Established in : 1970 | Beds: 300

Nova IVI Fertility operates in 28 centers across 8 countries in Europe, South America and Asia.

Nova IVI Fertility operates in 28 centers across 8 countries in Europe, South America and Asia.

Nova IVI Fertility operates in 28 centers across 8 countries in Europe, South America and Asia.

Nova IVI Fertility operates in 28 centers across 8 countries in Europe, South America and Asia.
Established in : 2011 | Centers: 46 | Cities: 31 | Specialists: 100+ | Pregnancies: 42473
Nova IVI Fertility operates in 28 centers across 8 countries in Europe, South America and Asia.
Offers core procedures such as IUI, IVF, ICSI and Andrology.
By May 2016, Nova had completed 10,000 IVF pregnancies.
In 2015, Nova IVI Fertility was awarded as the Best Fertility Chain in India.
The co-founders of Nova Medical Centers, Mr. Suresh Soni & Dr. Mahesh Reddy were honoured with 'Healthcare Entrepreneur of the Year 2013' at the prestigious Frost & Sullivan – 5th Annual India Healthcare Excellence Awards.
In 2012, the hospital entered in a technical collaboration with IVI, Spain to bring advanced Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) in India.