Zen Multi Speciality Hospital, Mumbai

Established in : 1970 | Beds: 300

Zen hospital has grown exponentially, gaining wide patronage of patients from Maharashtra as well as all over India with pioneering surgical and diagnostic techniques and use of the most advanced technologies

Zen hospital has grown exponentially, gaining wide patronage of patients from Maharashtra as well as all over India with pioneering surgical and diagnostic techniques and use of the most advanced technologies

Zen hospital has grown exponentially, gaining wide patronage of patients from Maharashtra as well as all over India with pioneering surgical and diagnostic techniques and use of the most advanced technologies

Zen hospital has grown exponentially, gaining wide patronage of patients from Maharashtra as well as all over India with pioneering surgical and diagnostic techniques and use of the most advanced technologies
Established in : 2015 | Beds: 115
Zen Multi Speciality Hospital is a 115 bedded Hospital located in Chembur, Mumbai with state-of-the-art Modern facilities.
The hospital was inaugurated by Shri Devendraji Phadnavis in the year 2015.
The Hospital facility & services have been engineered around the needs of the patients & society.
It provides an attractive and welcoming environment for patients and visitors with light, airy public spaces, comfortable waiting areas, and modern consulting rooms. The patients will benefit from the new modern facilities & the departments.