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Dr Rajeev Agarwal, IVF/Infertility Specialist

Renew Healthcare Centre, Kolkata

Dr Rajeev Agarwal, IVF/Infertility Specialist

Doctor's Profile


  • Medical Director - IVF/Inferlity Specialist

  • Gynaecologist &  Obstetrician

Qualifications & Experience

  • 20 years of experience

  • MBBS, MD



  • I try and read a lot to update myself and also engage other budding fertility experts because that keeps me on my toes and enriches me immensely.

  • It was a common passion between few friends that ultimately transformed into Care IVF despite all odds.

  • Since then its been no looking back all thanks to the blessings and good wishes of patients, loved ones and friends. My USP?. Honesty and Sincerity".

  • Dr. Rajeev Agarwal says "All I ever wanted to be was a Gynaecologist, a simple one.

  • Whatever I know today is all because of my teacher Dr. Pratap Kumar.

  • Under his watchful eyes at Kasturba Medical College, Manipal, I is not only got my MD but also got inculcated into the world of Fertility and Infertility.

  • My further training has been with Dr. Sadhana Desai, a lady with immense knowledge yet someone who is extremely down to earth.

  • I also had the honour of serving a short stint at the Cardiff Assisted Reproduction Centre, Cardiff, Wales, UK.

  • Its been a long journey to reach where I am today but a happy and fruitful one.

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